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Nature, 12 January 2023, Volume 613 Issue 7943



Kilohertz quasiperiodic oscillations in short gamma-ray bursts


▲ 作者:Cecilia Chirenti, Simone Dichiara, Amy Lien, M. Coleman Miller & Robert Preece

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这意味着在中子星最终坍缩成黑洞之前不久形成的小事件中,发射伽马射线的准周期调制的可能性。在此,我们展示了来自于暴发和瞬态源实验(BATSE)数据的GRB 910711和GRB 931101B的信号,它们与数值相对论的预测是一致的。

▲ Abstract:

Short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are associated with binary neutron star mergers, which are multimessenger astronomical events that have been observed both in gravitational waves and in the multiband electromagnetic spectrum. Depending on the masses of the stars in the binary and on details of their largely unknown equation of state, a dynamically evolving and short-lived neutron star may be formed after the merger, existing for roximately 10–300 ms before collapsing to a black hole. Numerical relativity simulations across different groups consistently show broad power spectral features in the 1–5-kHz range in the post-merger gravitational-wave signal, which is inaccessible by current gravitational-wave detectors but could be seen by future third-generation ground-based detectors in the next decade. This implies the possibility of quasiperiodic modulation of the emitted gamma rays in a subset of events in which a neutron star is formed shortly before the final collapse to a black hole. Here we present two such signals identified in the short bursts GRB 910711 and GRB 931101B from archival Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) data, which are compatible with the predictions from numerical relativity.

材料科学Materials Science

Enhanced superconductivity in spin–orbit proximitized bilayer graphene


▲ 作者:Yiran Zhang, Robert Polski, Alex Thomson et al.

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▲ Abstract

Here we show that placing monolayer tungsten diselenide (WSe2) on BLG promotes Cooper pairing to an extraordinary degree: superconductivity ears at zero magnetic field, exhibits an order of magnitude enhancement in Tc and occurs over a density range that is wider by a factor of eight. By ming quantum oscillations in BLG–WSe2 as a function of electric field and doping, we establish that superconductivity emerges throughout a region for which the normal state is polarized, with two out of four spin-valley flavours predominantly populated. In-plane magnetic field measurements further reveal that superconductivity in BLG–WSe2 can exhibit striking dependence of the critical field on doping, with the Chandrasekhar–Clogston (Pauli) limit roughly obeyed on one end of the superconducting dome, yet sharply violated on the other. Moreover, the superconductivity arises only for perpendicular electric fields that push BLG hole wavefunctions towards WSe2, indicating that proximity-induced (Ising) spin–orbit coupling plays a key role in stabilizing the pairing.


A ligand insertion mechanism for cooperative NH3 capture in metal–organic frameworks

一种可以在金属有机框架中捕获 NH3 的配体插入机制

▲ 作者:Benjamin E. R. Snyder, Ari B. Turkiewicz, Hiroyasu Furukawa et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Here we report a tunable three-dimensional framework that reversibly binds ammonia by cooperative insertion into its metal–carboxylate bonds to form a dense, one-dimensional coordination polymer. This unusual adsorption mechanism provides considerable intrinsic thermal management, and, at high pressures and temperatures, cooperative ammonia uptake gives rise to large working capacities. The threshold pressure for ammonia adsorption can further be tuned by almost five orders of magnitude through simple synthetic modifications, pointing to a broader strategy for the development of energy-efficient ammonia adsorbents.


Seasonal temperatures in West Antarctica during the Holocene


▲ 作者:Tyler R. Jones, Kurt M. Cuffey, William H. G. Roberts et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Here, we analyse a continuous record of water-isotope ratios from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide ice core to reveal summer and winter temperature changes through the last 11,000?years. Summer temperatures in West Antarctica increased through the early-to-mid-Holocene, reached a peak 4,100?years ago and then decreased to the present. Climate model simulations show that these variations primarily reflect changes in maximum summer insolation, confirming the general connection between seasonal insolation and warming and demonstrating the importance of insolation intensity rather than seasonally integrated insolation or season duration. Winter temperatures varied less overall, consistent with predictions from insolation forcing, but also fluctuated in the early Holocene, probably owing to changes in meridional heat transport. The magnitudes of summer and winter temperature changes constrain the lowering of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet surface since the early Holocene to less than 162?m and probably less than 58?m, consistent with geological constraints elsewhere in West Antarctica.

Grain shape effects in bed load sediment transport


▲ 作者:Eric Deal, Jeremy G. Venditti, Santiago J. Benavides, Ryan Bradley, Qiong Zhang, Ken Kamrin & J. Taylor Perron

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▲ Abstract:

Here we show that grain shape can modify bed load transport rates by an amount comparable to the scatter in many sediment transport datasets. We develop a theory that accounts for grain shape effects on fluid drag and granular friction and predicts that the onset and efficiency of transport depend on the coefficients of drag and bulk friction of the transported grains. Laboratory experiments confirm these predictions and reveal that the effect of grain shape on sediment transport can be difficult to intuit from the earance of grains. We propose a shape-corrected sediment transport law that collapses our experimental measurements. Our results enable greater accuracy in predictions of sediment transport and help reconcile theories developed for spherical particles with the behaviour of natural sediment grains.

Periclase deforms more slowly than bridgmanite under mantle conditions


▲ 作者:Patrick Cordier, Karine Gouriet, Timmo Weidner, James Van Orman, Olivier Castelnau, Jennifer M. Jackson & Philippe Carrez

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▲ Abstract:

In this work we use 2.5-dimensional dislocation dynamics to model the low-stress creep of MgO periclase at lower mantle pressures and temperatures. We show that periclase deforms very slowly under these conditions, in particular, much more slowly than bridgmanite deforming by pure climb creep. This is due to slow diffusion of oxygen in periclase under pressure. In the assemblage, this secondary phase hardly participates in the deformation, so that the rheology of the lower mantle is very well described by that of bridgmanite. Our results show that drastic changes in deformation mechanisms can occur as a function of the strain rate.

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